Acupuncture For Fertility

Acupuncture For Fertility

Infertility: Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (CM)
are Clinically Effective in Helping You Get Pregnant

(Fertility Outcomes)

By Dr. Santiago Sifre

I know something about this. I have been using acupuncture and other mind-
body techniques to help women get pregnant for over two decades.

In the span of that time, the research showing that acupuncture-CM improves fertility
outcomes has significantly increased.

This is what we know so far: A course of acupuncture with assisted Chinese herbal
medicine increases rates of conception in woman trying to get pregnant. In addition,
clinical outcomes and research show that acupuncture-assisted IVF increases
conception. And, due to this reality, there is now an international consensus on
Acupuncture-Assisted IVF; and thus, a treatment protocol.

Many studies showing acupuncture’s efficacy in infertility abound. Including some major
Meta Analyses. (A Meta Analysis is when similar experiments are bunched together and
analyzed to see if there is a consistent trend in the findings.) So far, we see that there is
a very consistent trend in the relationship between acupuncture treatment and

[ You can research academic Journals from sites like PUBMED; National Institute of
Health; National Library of Science, etc. Use Key Words such as “acupuncture IVF,
acupuncture Infertility”.]

One such study in the Journal of Fertility Sterility titled Influence of acupuncture on the
pregnancy rate in patients who undergo assisted reproduction therapy concludes: “The
analysis shows that the pregnancy rate for the acupuncture group is considerably higher
than for the control group (42.5% vs 26.3%; P=.03).
WolfgangE Paulus, M.D. ∙ Mingmin Zhang, M.D.  ∙ Erwin Strehler, M.D.  ∙ Imam El-Danasouri, Ph.D. ∙ Karl Sterzik, M.D. 

Another study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) concludes: “A
clinical pregnancy was achieved in 105 of 408 women (25.7%) randomized to acupuncture and 88 of 406 women (21.7%) in the sham control (RD, 4.1 [95% CI, −1.8% to 9.9%]; RR, 1.19 [95% CI, 0.93 to 1.52]) “

Before we delve further, let’s dive into some Neuroscience and
Acupuncture Meridian Theory

Not long ago, it was thought that neurologically, the human organism was totally
controlled by the brain in a Top-Down operation where the brain and Central Nervous
system just gave all the instructions and controlled all biological messengers. That is,
all the electro molecular processes fundamental to human life. This is no longer the
case. For instance, neurobiologist Candice Pert found that there are Receptor-
Processing Sites throughout the body. A superhighway of biological information. And
that was almost 40 years ago. Many have followed in her Footsteps.

Neuroscience is demonstrating that the relationship between the organs, brain, Central
Nervous System and all glands, the Gut, all tissues, receptor sites and cells is
symbiotic. That is: a super biological-energetic communication highway where
everything is “talking” to everything. Not a Top-Down operation. But a Top-Down,
Down-Up and Side to Side operation. Where everything is interconnected. The
emotions, the thoughts, the biochemistry, the immunity and the fertility.

Nevertheless, Chinese Physicians noted this relationship 1500 years ago. And
developed a cohesive system of understanding and working with it: The interconnection
of all biological, energetic and emotional processes. They called the substance Chi. And
named this biological interconnection superhighway the Jing Luo, the Meridian
Channel System.

Causes of Infertility

There are organic and structural conditions that can impede pregnancy. For example,
Thyroid and other endocrine disorders; structural problems with the anatomy of the
reproductive system. Conditions like endometriosis or endometritis, tubal disfunctions,
sperm motility/morbidity; Erectile dysfunction, etc. Fortunately, in many such cases
allopathic medicine has the surgical and biomedical tools to improve the chances of

However, the big black box in this picture is the significant number of women unable to
get pregnant without any identifiable biomedical reason. Many in this large group of
women then seek Assisted Reproductive Therapy (ART), particularly IVF, which is a
miracle of science. It is estimated that close to 30% of women unable to conceive fall
into this category.

Interconnection of Mind-Body Factors Associated with Infertility

Let’s discuss emotional, lifestyle, energetic and pathogenic factors that can negatively
affect conception. This applies to person and partner. Some of this discussion is
inevitably technical because at the end of the day, what’s happening inside us at the
deepest level is bound to electro-molecular messengers. Sort of the “super-highway” of
interconnected emotional and biological information.

1. Negative mental-emotional states that persist. Like obsessive thinking, over
worrying, anger, fear; as well as other symptoms of anxiety. These can
negatively affect the function of the pituitary gland which is central for the normal
secretion and circulation of conception generating hormones. This is called the
Hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. Disruptions in the free flow of this axis may
cause anovulation and/or uterine, ovarian and tubal dysfunctions. And in most of
these instances there are no laboratory analyses or imaging technologies that
can identify these dysfunctions. In essence, you can also look at this as The
Fight or Flight response mechanism switch unable to be turned off. This is
when the persistent release of stress-hormones counteracts normal ovulation
and conception processes. And is has a fancy name which most women unable
to get pregnant without any apparent reason have nerve heard of:
Parasympathetic Dysbiosis. When the Sympathetic branch of the Autonomic
Nervous System (ANS) is in chronic disarray and the switch from the Stress
Response to the Peaceful Relaxation Response (i.e. the Parasympathetic
system) cannot be achieved. In this situation, electro-molecular disruptions in
the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Cortex axis (HPAC) can also block
conception pathways.

2. Poor nutrition and sleep habits that have been carried on for extended periods
of time, as well as eating disorders and other physical and emotional stressors.
These can disrupt estrogen metabolism and the circulation of gonadotropin
releasing hormone. In fact, a large body of research has observed that
emotional dysregulation due to real or perceived stressors is implicated in
delayed or absent ovulation.

3. Internal Overgrowth of Gut Toxins: Candida and/or other Fungi parasitic
pathogens overgrowing in the Gut system. In Chinese Medicine this is called
Damp-Phlegm-Toxin Obstructing the Lower Jiao Channels. This is an
Obstruction Syndrome marked by internal phlegm in many normal functions of
the person. Like postnasal drips, phlegmy acid reflux, history of nodules and
nasal congestions often blamed on allergies. The person exhibiting this will have
a very greasy and nasty looking geographical Tongue Coating, possibly yellow
and like cottage cheese. Possibly a history of Fibroids an/or lumps, or fibrocystic
breasts, polycystic ovarian syndrome or Yeast infections or gastrointestinal
maladies, such as bloating, mucus in stools, diarrhea or constipation, or IBS
diagnosis. There are appropriate laboratory analyses available to diagnose if this
is your situation.

4. All the Above

Enter Acupuncture-Chinese Medicine Energetics

In Traditional Chinese Medicine physiology fertility, conception and pregnancy occur
naturally when there is a normal and robust free flow of all these hormones and

physiological conception processes; that is, when there is abundant, unimpeded
flow/circulation of Chi and Blood.

Four Extraordinary Vessels in the Meridian System are most responsible energetically
for this: the REN Mai, Chong Mai, the Bao Mai and the Bao Luo. These in turn have a
direct effect on the Brain (Hypothalamic and Pituitary pathways) and reproductive
system by maintaining free circulation of Chi and Blood to the Kidneys, Heart, Liver and
Spleen. In particular, the role of the heart, liver and kidney Chi in Chinese medicine
physiology is functionally like the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. The Heart, Liver
and Kidney Meridian Chi circulation is particularly susceptible to persistent states of
sadness, anger, rage, grief, anxiety and fear, thus exerting a blockage effect of
hormonal conception processes.

Below we discuss the most common patterns of infertility in CM.

CM Common Patterns of Infertility: Syndrome Differentiation

1. Kidney Yang Chi Deficiency/Cold Uterus: Failure to conceive; history of feeling
cold, aversion to cold; scanty and disordered menstruation with pale thin flow;
profuse clear and frequent urination; fatigue/low energy; feeling sad or
depressed; foggy brain; Low back pain (usually dull and constant); loss of libido;
Pale tongue body, possibly swollen; weak pulse flow.

2. Kidney Yin Chi Deficiency/overheating: Failure to conceive; disordered flow with
bright red and thick blood flow; dizziness, insomnia or poor sleep and abnormal
palpitations or skipping a beat; dryness, dry mouth, red cheeks, scanty urination;
feeling of vague anxiety, nervousness or unexplained agitation; feeling hot,
possible spontaneous sweating; deep red tongue body, thin tongue with scanty
or no coating; Rapid, thin superficial pulse flow.

3. Liver Chi Stagnation: Failure to conceive; irritability, frustration, anger with
possible outbursts; oppressive sensation on chest and/or abdomen; possible
constipation or difficulty moving stools; muscular pain and tightness, prone to
tendon pain; frequent headaches; possible acid reflux with hypochondriac
achiness; heavy flow of dark blood with possible coagulated blood and colic pain;
history of premenstrual dysphoria. The pulse will be forceful and wiry like a tight

4. Phlegm-Dampness Obstruction: Failure to conceive; Delayed or obstructed
menstruation, phlegmy vaginal discharge possibly thick white or yellow and thick
with strong odor; lusterless complexion; feeling of something stocked in the
throat; possible on-going postnasal drip; stabbing-throbbing pains and aches;
recurrent throbbing headaches; possible history of fallopian tube blockage or
PCOS or fibroids. Tongue body swollen and distended with thick greasy or
cottage cheese-like coating.

5. Stagnation of Chi and Blood: Failure to conceive; Dark, thick menstrual flow with
clots; delayed menstruation or amenorrhea with intense, stabbing lower
abdominal or lumbar pain or both; History of blockage in fallopian tubes,
endometriosis or uterine myomas; history of vein problems or varicosity; a purple
tongue body with purplish spots; cyanotic distended sublingual vessels; wiry,
deep, forceful pulse flow.

The remedy for these dysfunctions often lies in a combination of acupuncture with
assisted Chinese Herbal Medicines; improved nutrition; emotionally grounding practices
such as mediation-relaxation practices; energy medicine exercises such as Chi Gong;
visualization practices, like building a Mind-Story board etc.

I hope that you have found this discussion helpful and that it is of benefit to you in your
pregnancy journey.

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