Dr. Santiago Sifre
Dr. Sifre has dedicated his entire career to providing the highest level of acupuncture, Chinese and functional medicine and guidance to his patients. Comprehensive medical acupuncture© is his core approach to reaching the most complete results in mind-body functioning. This intensive level of treatment addresses specific root causes through a thorough health evaluation and multi-layer treatment, as opposed to treating just the symptoms. His treatments are guided by classical examination principals like tongue and pulse diagnosis, and by the biochemistry of the patient.
"The comprehensive medical acupuncture experience utilizes the classical examination method of the pulse-taking and tongue examination, as well as the patient's biochemistry to guide the treatment process."
Santiago graduated from the New England School of Acupuncture (1996) and was mentored by Chinese master Tomas Tam. He is a highly skilled diagnostician and eclectic practitioner with a significant level of experience in areas such as pain and inflammation, degenerative diseases like cancer and diabetes and mood disorders. Santiago has helped hundreds of women have a natural, vaginal birth and has helped successfully turned tens of breached babies. He is also one of a few acupuncturists in the Miami-Dade area with significant experience treating children. Santiago worked as an acupuncture physician and researcher at the University of Miami School of Medicine and at Community Healthcare of Broward, where he headed the HIV acupuncture program. He has done extensive work in institutional settings as a clinician and consultant; and has presented and written on the subjects of acupuncture, relaxation, complementary-alternative medicines (CAM). He has practiced and taught Tai Chi, meditation and Qigong since 1986.