Arthritis -Acute pain
Dysmenorrhea - Acute
Fibromyalgia - Pain
Arthralgia and Arthritis (Bi syndromes) - Stagnation of qi and blood
Back Pain, lower Qi and blood stagnation
Abdominal Pain (lower) - Uterus blood stagnation
Chest Constriction - Blood stagnation
Endometriosis - Qi and blood stagnation
Headache - Stagnation in the channels
Neuropathy - Cold
Menses, Irregular - Uterus blood stagnation
Menstrual clots - Intense pain
Infertility - Blood stagnation
Therapeutic Actions
1. Has pain relieving and relaxant properties
2. Help relieve joint, muscle, abdominal and gynecological pain and cramping
3. Treat headache, arthritis, and fibromyalgia, especially when used with other formulas
Chinese Therapeutic Effects
Regulate Qi and blood
Warm the channels
Internal: 2 to 3 tablets, TID or QID
60 tablets, 750 mg, 10 day supply
Contraindications: Do not use during pregnancy. Consider combining with a tonic formula for long-term administration.
Corydalis extract rhizome yan hu suo
Angelica root bai zhi
White Peony root bai shao
Cinnamon twig gui zhi
Tang Kuei root dang gui
Salvia root dan shen
Myrrh resin mo yao
Frankincense resin ru xiang
Licorice root gan cao